Welcome to therapy from home.

Welcome therapy from home!  This site seeks to inform you, while providing links to clinically proven devices used in therapy.  This site will provide quite a bit of information on the various types of pain, as well as have an in-depth look at all of the techniques used to provide pain relief.

For whatever ails you, from back pain to sore knees, we offer reviews of  equipment from your local clinic, that can be bought and purchased for your home, and information as to why the pain relief methods work, and how.  I recommend reading over a simplistic look at pain, and how it affects the body, before going too much farther.  A little knowledge to share, from my clinical experience.

From trigger point release (my personal favorite of all time) to self massage (myofascial release), to electro-therapy, to just applying the basics of cold and heat.  For instance, your therapist may have you doing specific exercises that requires a band, or a foam roller, or other instrument that their clinic offers at high cost.

Disclaimer*  This site is intended only for informational purposes.  It in no way shape or form implicates actual medical advice.  Hope you enjoy!


Trigger Point Release – What are trigger points, and how do they affect me?

Pain Relief

No matter what your position in life, no matter what activities or hobbies you have, chances are you have dealt with your fair share of pain.  Pain can be the underlying cause of many pathologies.  Sometimes pain is misinterpretted, or ignored due to the belief that “everybody hurts”.  So here is a little bit of information about how pain can affect the body in a couple different ways.

I have found, through clinical experience, that there are various methods of reducing pain, clinically used and easily purchased for home.  This is not advice, merely a source of information and tools to use at your discretion.  But first, let’s go over some basics about pain.

Pain Cycles.  

Chronic Pain Cycle

Sometimes, just healing the pain can get you out of that “chronic pain cycle“.   For instance, pain causes you to use improper body mechanics (the way you move as you perform a specific activity), by creating new movements that try to prevent the pain.  With improper body mechanics, your body adapts to the improper movement and your muscles become guarded.  Your body stops using the proper muscles, and you develop a limp, or an unnoticeable change, causing other muscles to be overused.  This, in turn, creates more pain.  The cycle continues and becomes a chronic condition.  By working on reducing pain, and proper mechanics, we can rid our bodies of the chronic pain cycle.

Sometimes the simplest way to rid yourself of this chronic condition, is to STOP doing the activity that makes your pain act up.  I know this sounds silly and you might think “Well, duh!”, but most people believe their pain is happening due to age, and not realizing that it might have to do with an activity they are doing.

Muscle Spasm Cycle

Pain will also cause muscles to stiffen up in your body.  I’m sure you have noticed tender “knots” in your upper back or wherever you may be having pain.  This, in itself, can lead to another type of pain cycle.   This is called the pain spasm cycle.  A muscle spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle that can cause a great deal of pain.  When a muscle is contracted, the muscle receives a decreased circulation of blood flow.   This decrease in circulation prevents good oxygen from coming into the muscle to heal it, and also prevents bad or damaged cells from exiting.  Our body constantly regulates and heals itself, however once a muscle becomes spasmed, it gets much less help.  This build up of chemicals in the muscle with no exit, as well as the lack of oxygen coming into it, creates more pain.  The trick to solving this can simply be to relieve the pain, or to solve the muscle spasm.

There are many ways to relieve muscle spasms, which utilizing heat properly, massaging trigger points, electrotherapy, foam rolling, myofascial release, etc..  Within each category, there are TONS of choices offered to you online, or over the television.  The purpose of this page is to first of all, give you some knowledge on the subject, and second of all, put all of the clinically proven pain relief techniques and compile a “best of “list of clinically used devices for at home use.

Pain by body part


Arms / Shoulders


Buttocks / Hip


Ankle / Foot

To learn more on each pain relief technique, click on the links provided below.

Trigger Point Release – What is trigger point release, and how does this benefit me?


*Featured – Foam Rollers

Molded composite foam rollers are perfect for positioning, balance, postural and muscle re-education, spinal stabilization, body awareness and coordination, and ranging and strengthening activities.

ProSource High Density Extra Firm Foam Roller for Muscle Therapy and Balance Exercises

Although these come in various shapes and sizes, I personally have the extra firm foam roller.  Using just body weight, user can lengthen muscles, and decrease spasms.